Messier 81 is a spiral galaxy about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. M81 is one of the most striking examples of a grand design spiral galaxy, with near perfect arms spiralling into the very centre. Because of its proximity to Earth, its large size, and its active galactic nucleus (which harbours a 70 million solar mass supermassive black hole). It is close by M82 which is also worth a look if you are in this region.

Images by Simon Dawes

M81 and M81 SD 01


Images by Julian Tworek


Images by Neil Webster

M81 Neil Webster 01

NW Messier 81 82


Images by Kevin Langford


Images by Leigh Slomer

Bode’s Galaxy, taken on the 6th of April 2021 with a Skywatcher Evostar 72ed Pro and an astro modified Canon EOS 250d. Stacked grom 172 minutes worth of exposures.

| M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 | M5 | M6 | M7 | M8| M9 | M10 | M11 | M12 | M13 | M14 | M15 | M16 | M17 | M18 | M19 | M20 | M21 | M22 | M23 | M24 | M25 | M26 | M27 | M28 | M29 | M30 | M31 | M32 | M33 | M34 | M35 | M36 | M37 | M38 | M39 | M40 | M41 | M42 | M43 | M44 | M45 | M46 | M47 | M48 | M49 | M50 | M51 | M52 | M53 | M54 | M55 | M56 | M57 | M58 | M59 | M60 | M61 | M62 | M63 | M64 | M65| M66 | M67 | M68 | M69 | M70 | M71 | M72 | M73 | M74 | M75 | M76 | M77 | M78 | M79 | M80 | M81 | M82 | M83 | M84 | M85 | M86 | M87 | M88 | M89 | M90 | M91 | M92 | M93 | M94 | M95 | M96 | M97 | M98 | M99 | M100 | M101 | M102 | M103 | M104 | M105 | M106 | M107 | M108 | M109 | M110 |

All images are copyright. Permission must be sought to from the image owner to the use of any of these images.

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