We encourage members who have a particular interest to set up a society wide project.
All projects will be considered for funding by the society trustees – so please do put forward your ideas.

If you are a member and would like to take part in one of the projects listed below please speak to the project lead or a committee member if no lead is designated.

Double Star Coordinator

Lead: Neil Webster

Coordinate the membership to monitor targets and report them to the BAA double star section.


ExoClock Coordinators

Martin Crow, Simon Dawes & Keith Rickard

Use your own equipment or the Peter Hindle Telescope (16″ LX200) in the Dick Chambers Observatory to observe planets orbiting other stars and pass the results to UCL as part of the exoclock pro-am collaboration.  See main results page


Meteor Camera

Lead: Janice McClean

We have an all sky camera and PC monitoring for meteors, if you want to join in and have access to the societies meteor camera images please speak to Janice.

Monitor Meteors using Radio

Lead: Wanted!

Create a Meteor monitoring station that can be set-up and run for minimal cost and require minimal user data crunching to get results. Report results automatically to websites and BAA meteor section.

Monitor the Sun in VLF

Lead: Wanted!

Create a VLF monitoring station that can be set-up and run for minimal cost and require minimal user data crunching to get results. Use VLF frequencies to monitor the Sun & report data on SIDS automatically to website and BAA RAG.

Spectroscopy Coordinator

Mike Rushton

Create a spectroscopy section & coordinate the membership to measure targets.

Variable Star Coordinator

Lead: Wanted

Coordinate the membership to monitor targets and report them to the BAA VSS.

Sort and Sell our Antique books

Lead: Doug Biswell

Review, sort and sell the antique books the society owns to create a fund for society projects.

Dome Motorisation

Lead: Keith Rickard

Help improve our observatory dome so it rotates automatically.

Build some Dobsonian Telescopes

Lead: Steve Floodgate

We have a number of unused Newtonian telescope tubes that need converting into Dobsonian telescopes so members can use them.

APT Repair

Lead: Keith Rickard

Help rebuild what was once the most productive amateur variable star observatory in the UK.

Home for Hewitt Archive

Lead: John Howarth

The Hewit archive comprises of glass and plastic photographic plates of the night sky we need to find a home for the Hewitt archive, digitise the archive and put on-line for open access.

Crayford Catalogue for Light Polluted Skies

Lead: Simon Dawes

Create a catalogue of objects suitable to view for the Dartford area and for different equipment that members can use. Only include objects that have been observed from the area.

Weather Station

Lead: Wanted!

Build a MET office approved weather station, submit data to weather service & conduct our own science based on the data gathered on the local weather conditions.

All Sky Camera

Lead: Wanted!

Source and install an all sky camera at the observatory, so we can see the cloud cover, the camera needs to stream onto the internet so anyone can view from this website.

Build a Radio Telescope

Lead: Wanted

Build a radio telescope for the society and find a location to site it.

Light Pollution Monitor

Lead: Wanted

Create a solution for monitoring light pollution at the observatory and the local area. Plan and run the programme for the use of this equipment.

Lunar Coordinator

Lead: Wanted

Coordinate the membership to monitor targets and report them to the BAA Lunar section

Time Capsule

Lead: Wanted!

A metal box is to be inserted into the cavity space of the observatory walls. A breeze block has been removed to insert it. All that is needed now is for someone to select items for it and organise its insertion.