
These books are available to members to borrow.
All books can be loaned for 4 weeks or until another member requests it which ever is greater.
The books are looked after by Secretary Dr. Mike Rushton so please contact him in person or by email if you wish to borrow a copy.

Author Title Date Notes

Instruments and techniques

Covington C Astrophotography for the Amateur 1991 Film
Groit M Optics Guide 4 1988 Catalogue
Kitchin C Telescopes and techniques 2003 Springer. Reviewed by RC
Mollise R Choosing and using a Schmidt-Cassegrain T’scope 2001  
Moore P (Ed) More small astronomical observatories 2002 Reviewed by RC includes cd of earlier book
Muirden J Beginner’s guide to Astronomical Telescope making 1978  
Ratledge D The art and science of CCD astronomy 1997 2 Copies
Various Box of data on Hewitt camera techniques 1960  

Solar Observing

Nicholson I The Sun 1982  
Spence P Sun Observer’s guide 2004 Phillips. Reviewed by RW


Dreyer J, Turner H History of thr RAS. Vol 1 1820-1920 1987  
Dunlop s, Gerbaldi M Stargazers. The contribution of amateurs to astronomy 1988  
Gould R John Harrison and his timekeepers 1985 24pp Reprint
Littman M The Heavens on Fire 1999 Leonids 1833
Lockyer W The Norman Lockyer Observatory Handbook 1935  
McClure J Syllabus of course of 12 asronomy lectures 1887 Reprint
NMM Greenwich The Planispheric Astrolabe 1976  
Olson R, Pasachoff J Fire in the Sky, Comets and meteors 1998 In art and science
Overbye D Lonely Hearts of the cosmos 1991 Historical cosmology
Szoerkowicz J Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1973 1972 Slim volume
Tayler R History of thr RAS. Vol 2 1920-1980 1987  
Verschuur G The Invisble Universe revealed 1987 The story of radio astronomy

The Moon

Vatious Phil Trans RS Series A 285 1977 Devoted to the moon

General Astronomy

Begelman M Turn Right at Orion. Travels through the cosmos 2000 Not the constellation guide
Berthier D Urban Astronomy 2003 Reviewed by RC
Dunkin E The Midnight Sky 1890  
Dunlop S, Tirion W Collins: How to identify the night sky 2002  
Edberg S Research Amateur Astronomy 1991 Reviewed by RC
Hamlyn P Stars – a guide to astronomy 1965  
Jones B The Practical Astronomer 1990  
Kolb R Blind Watchers of the Sky 1999 Not literaly (quote from Tycho Brahe)
Martinez P The Observer’s Guide to Astronomy 1994 Vol 1
Mayer B Starwatch 1984 Basic constellation guide pulished by Celestron
Moore P The Observer’s Year 1998  
Moore P Philips Guide to the Stars and Planets 1993  
Moore P Philips Guide to the Stars and Planets 2004 Reviewed by SB
Moore P Patrick Moore’s Armchair Astronomy 1984  
Moore P, Watson J Astronomy with a budget telescope 2003 Reviewed by AB
Muirden P, Oenston M The Canopus Encyclopedia of Astronomy 2004  
Odenwald S The Astonomy Café 365 Q and A from “Ask the Astronomer”    
Ottewell G The Astronomical Companion 1981 Large format paperback
Pasachoff, Kutner University Astronomy 1978  
Peltier L Starlight Nights 1967  
Price P The Complete and Easy Guide to Stargazing 2005 Reviewed by RW
Ridpath I Stars and Planets : Eyewitness Handbooks 1998  
Scagell R Stargazing with a telsecope 2009 Philips. Reviewd by RC
Sruve O Elementary Astronomy 1959  
Urarov F, Chapman D A dictionary of science 1959 Slim paperback, International Lunar Society
Waxman J A Workbook for Astronomy 1984  


Duffett-Smith P Astronomy with your personal computer 1985 ist edition Note date
HMNAO The Nautical Almanac 2010 2008  
HMSO Explanatory Supplement to A Ephemeris 1961  
Kunitsyn V, Tereshvhenko Ionospheric Tomography 2003  
Meeus J Astronomical Formulae for Calculators 1980 The defininative guide


Carrol B, Ostlie D An introduction to modern astrophysics 1996 Highly mathematical
Emerson D Interpreting Astronomical Spectra 1996 Highly mathematical
Habing H, Olofsson H Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars 2004  
Hall D, Genet R Photelectric photometry of variable stars 1982 IAPP
Harwit M Astrophysical Concepts 1982  
Kaler J Stars and their Spectra 1989 Introduction
Kaler J Stars and their Spectra 1990 Introduction
Lena P Observational Astrophysics 1988  
Mann A Shadow of a Star 1997 The neutrino story of SN 1987A
NASA Star formation in Galaxies 1986 Heavyweight conference publication
White R Observational Astrophysics 1992  

Galaxies & Deep Sky

Archinal B The Nonexistent star clusters of the RNGC 1993 The Webb Society
Bone N Philips Deep Sky Observers Guide 2004 Reviewed by KA
Coe S Deep sky Oserving, The Astronomical Tourist 2000  
Malin D, Muirdin P Colours of Galaxies 1984  
Mallas J, Kreimer E The Messier Album 1978 Reprinted from Sky & Telescope
O’Meara S The Caldwell Objects 2002  
Petschek A Supernova 1990  
Crovisier J, Encrenaz T Comet Science 2000  
Sagan C, Druyan A Comet 1984 Halley
Shanklin J BAA Observing guide to comets 1996  


Balearic Is Government Total Eclipse of the Sun Mallorca 1905 2005 Multiple research papers
Brunier S, Luminet J-P Glorious Eclipses 2000 Coffee table book
Espenak F Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses 1986-2035 1989 NASA
Espenak F Fifty Year Canon of Solar Eclipses 1986-2035 1987 NASA Two copies
Espenak F, Anderson J Total Solar Eclipse of 3 November 1994 1993  
Espenak F, Anderson J Total Solar Eclipse of 24 October 1995 1994 2 copies
Espenak F, Anderson J Total Solar Eclipse of 9 March 1997 1995  
Espenak F, Anderson J Total Solar Eclipse of 26 Feb 1998 1996  
M Littman,K Willcox, F Espenak Totality, Eclipses of the Sun 1998 Reviewed by RC
M Littman,K Willcox, F Espenak Totality, Eclipses of the Sun 1999 Second copy
Williams S UK Solar eclipses from year 1 1996  


Gehrels T Asteroids 1979  
Gehrels T Jupiter 1976  
Kowal C Asteroids. Their nature and utilization 1996  
McNab D, Younger J The Planets 1999 BBC book of the series
Moore P Guide to Mars 1965  
New Scientist New science in the solar system 1973  
Price F The Planet Observers Handbook 2000  
Roberts J Radio Emission from the planets 1963  
Rukl A Moon, Mars and Venus. O concise guide in colour 1976  


Briggs G, Taylor F The Cambridge Photographic Atlas of the planets 1982  
Brown Brown’s Star Atlas for Navigational Astronomy 1969 Two copies
Dunlop S Atlas of the night sky 2005 Excellent, constellation by constellation
ESA Millenium Star Atlas 1997 As Vol 14-16 of Hip and Tycho catalogue
Lewis H The Times Atlas of the Moon 1969  
Mellinger A, Stoyan R The Cambridge Photographic Star Atlas 2011 Large format
Moore P et al The Atlas of the Universe    
Moore P, Hunt G The Atlas of the Solar System 1988  
Newton J, Teece P The Cambridge Deep Sky Album 1983  
Norton A Norton’s Star Atlas and reference handbook 1959 14th edition
Norton A Norton’s Star Atlas and reference handbook 1990 17th edition signed by G Satterthwaite
Papadopoulos True Visual Mag Photographic star atlas 1979 Vol2 Equatorial stars
Papadopoulos True Visual Mag Photographic star atlas 1980 Vol3 Northern stars. Note large and heavy
Philips Star Chart Epoch 2000 1990 Printed on plastic
Sandage A The Hubble Atlas of galaxies 1961 Not HST!
Sandage A,Bedke J The Carnegie Atlas of Galaxies 1994 I n two large volumes
SAO SAO Star Atlas 1950 Epoch
Tirion, Rappaport, Lovi Uranometria 2000.0 1988 In two volumes
Vehrenberg H Atlas Stellarum 1950.0 1970 Photographic star atlas 2 Vols Large
Vehrenberg H Atlas of Deep Sky Splendors 1988 Photographic
Star Catalogues      
ESA The Hipparcos and Tycho catalogues 1997 Vol 1-13 catalogues
Moscow Acad of Sciences General Catalogue of variable Stars Vols 1-4 1985 Vol 4 duplicated
Moscow Acad of Sciences New catlogue of suspected variable stars 1982  
Nautical Almanac Office Catalog of 3539 Zodiacal Stars for the equinox 1950.0 1984  
SAO SAO Star catalogue 1966 In four volumes
Sinnott R NGC 2000.0 1988  

Space Technology

Bond P The continuing story of the International Space Station 2002  
Booth N Encyclopedia of Space 1990  
Fischer D, Duerbeck H Hubble Anew window on the universe 1995 Picture book
Harvey B The Chinese Space Programme 1998  
Calder N The weather machine and the threat of ice 1974  
Daniel C The Sundial register 1996 The British sundial society
Mizon B Light Pollution Resonses ans Remedies 2002  
Moore G Mrs Moore in Space 2002 Art work
Watts A Weatherforcasting – ashore and afloat 1967  


Borner G The Early Universe. Facts and Fiction 2003  
Hoyle F The Intelligent Universe 1983  
Ridley B Time, space and things 1984  
Sagan C Cosmos 1980  
Tyson N, Liu C, Irion R The Universe At home in the cosmos 2000  
Webb S Measuring the Universe 1999 The cosmological distance ladder


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