Astronomical Societies
Society for Popular Astronomy (SPA)
The SPA is for everyone, of all ages and with different levels of experience but are focused mainly on helping the beginner.
Royal Astronomical Society (RAS)
The society for UK professional astronomers, but with many amateur members.
Federation of Astronomical Societies (FRAS)
Use this site to find details of over 175 local astronomical societies throughout the UK.
British Astronomical Association (BAA)
Formed in 1890, the BAA has an international reputation for the quality of its members observational and scientific work.
The Planetary Society
Monthly magazines
Astronomy Now
UK magazine astronomy.
Sky at Night
UK magazine based on the popular BBC4 TV show.
The Astronomer
UK based, consists largely of detailed observational reports: for dedicated observers.
Sky and Telescope
American based magazine.
American based.
Reference – positions of objects & star maps etc.
Sky maps
Free sky maps for each month that you can download.
In the sky
Fantastic website written by Dominic Ford of the BAA.
Heavens Above
Gives timings of International Space Station and other satellite passes over your chosen location, plus much more.
Excellent free software for showing a realistic view of the sky from your location.
Time and Date
World clocks, weather, time zones, Moon & Sun rise & set times plus much more.
Astronomy Tools
The Sun
Space Weather
News and information about the Sun-Earth environment.
Stargazers Lounge