SAO28567: One that got away – BAAVSS circular
CMHASD Trustee John Howarth has been thanked for his help in a paper called SAO28567: One that got away published in a recent edition of the BAAVSS, written by Chris Lloyd of the RAL. John said ”Chris originally suggested to Roger Pickard and Malcolm Gough that...
EXO-Planet Paper features observations from two members
Members Simon Dawes and Martin Crow have been named as contributors on a scientific paper published this week, Martin and Simon along with other amateur and professional astronomers have been observing exo-planet transits – each observation takes between 4 and 5...

An Investigation into the Phase Anomaly of Venus
R. H. CHAMBERS AND J. TAYLOR Introduction It has been known for some time that a difference between observed and theoretical phase of Venus is apparent, not only at dichotomy (Schröter’s Effect) but throughout the planet’s cycle. Warner [1] has shown that...
Double Star Measurements with a Meade 12mm Astrometric Eyepiece in 2017
Neil Webster, REDACTED e-mail: REDACTED Introduction The following measurements were made throughout 2017 using a Meade 12mm astrometric illuminated reticle eyepiece plus 2.5x powermate attached to a Altair Astro 115mm refractor (focal length...
Double Star Measurements with an Astrometric Eyepiece in 2016
Neil Webster, REDACTED E-mail : REDACTED Introduction The following measurements were made with a Meade 12-mm astrometric illuminated reticule eyepiece attached to a recently purchased Altair Astro 115-mm refractor (focal length 805mm, f7). The optical train also...
The Caldwell Objects and How to Observe Them
Reviewed for the RAS Journal; Observatory, June 2010 1st Edition, by Martin Mobberley (Springer) 2009, Pp 288, 23.1 x 17.5 cm. Price £24.99 (paperback; ISBN 978-1-4419-0325-9) This book, as expected, is primarily concerned with the description and details of the...
Philip’s Stargazing with a Telescope
by R. Scagell (Philip’s, London), 2009. Pp. 192, 19.5 x 12.5 cm. price £7.99 (paperback; ISBN 978 0 540 09023 5). This book is aimed at the newcomer to astronomy and is one of a number of similar primers published under the Philip’s title. They are characterised by...
The Periods of the Semi-Regular Variable V370 And
HD13654 Probably Not An Eclipsing Binary
Multiple Papers on the APT
Here we describe the construction and scientific output of the Automatic Photometric Telescope, built in the mid 1980’s the APT became the most productive variable star observation platform in the UK – possibly the world. Another first for Crayford Manor...
Discovery of Asteroid 1997 WQ28 by Crayford Member
On the evening of 30th November 1997 we were obtaining CCD frames for the UKNova/ Supernova patrol using a 10″LX200, operating at f3.3 and StarlightXpress. At 21.30UT we imaged a suspect object near ngc765, a type SBb/Sc, 14th mag spiral galaxy in Aries....
Triangulation of a Perseid Meteor Using the Zeiss Plate Measuring Machine
Meteor Notes Edited by Tony Markham. John Howarth et al (Crayford Manor House A S ) 1. Background and Aims As a Society Project it was planned to find the height and trajectory of a meteor by photographing it from 2 locations. The images could then be reduced using...

The Hewitt Camera Archive At Crayford
A PDF of the original Paper by John Howarth...