Crescent Moon & Mercury – 7th July 2024

A super collection of images by members of a Waxing Crescent Moon and Mercury taken on the 7th July 2024. The Moon had an illumination of 3%, which is the percentage of the moon that is illuminated by the Sun and an age of 1.6 days old, which is how many days it has been since the last New Moon.


John Howarth - Bexley



Honor Wheeler - Dartford

Mercury is just above the 'M' on the label Mercury in the photo.



Jim Burchell - Dartford


Richard Bohner - Arizona, USA.

Image taken 6 hours after Honor and Jim's images in the UK.  Notice how the Moon position has changed relative to Mercury.

The Moon, Mercury, Mars & Orion by Jim Burchell

Member Jim Burchell was up early on Sunday the 9th October 2022 and took a super collection of photos of the early morning sky using his Pentax camera from Dartford. Jim captured Mercury at greatest elongation that morning; along with Mars, the Moon plus the constellation Orion.

Looking East - Mercury at greatest elongation

Looking South - the constellation Orion and Mars. Mars is above Orion (top, centre)

Looking South West - the Moon

The Moon as it set


Informal Night & UFO – 21st April 2022

Thursday 21st April 2022 was an informal night at the pavilion and some members took the opportunity to do some observing with some members viewing a very rare sight indeed.

Chairman John Archer summed the evening up in his ebulletin to members dated 27th April 2022. He wrote 'Last week we had another opportunity to get together for an observing evening and a variety of instruments were rolled out – everything from EV Scope and iPhone to Mark 1 eyeball was scanning the night sky.

Members sought out the elusive planet Mercury, and once skies darkened, other more distant objects could be seen.

A flurry of excitement and speculation surrounded the appearance of a mysterious, moving object in the night sky which turned out to be a SpaceX Falcon upper stage conducting a de-orbit burn prior to re-configuring itself into a marine reef / insurance claim – depending on where it finally landed.''

Some objects were also observed using the societies 16" Peter Hindle telescope they were M81, M82, M44 and the Eskimo Nebula.

Below are some images from the evening taken by member Jim Burchell.

Mercury in the constellation Aries just before sunset taken using a Pentax KP 135mm F11.0, Exp 1/2sec &  ISO 800.

The Observatory taken using a Pentax KP 18mm F3.5, Exp 10sec & ISO 800.

Constellation Leo taken using  Pentax KP 48mm F7.1, Exp 2.50sec & ISO 800.


The next 2 images below are snapshots taken from a video that member Steve Goldson managed to capture of the UFO that four other CMHASD members witnessed too at 8.46pm.  The 1st photo shows what looks like a small cloud moving very quickly through the sky.  The 2nd photo shows the same unidentified object a few seconds later now as a bright dot with a cloud in front of it moving through the sky.


The members were perplexed but excited by what they had seen with most sighting it as their 1st UFO.  Later after some detective work by Honor & Sonia it was concluded that they along with Jim Burchell, David Freed and Steve Goldson had witnessed the second stage deorbit of SpaceX Falcon 9 after launching another batch of Starlink internet satellites (Starlink 4-14).

Conjunction of Mercury, Venus and the Moon.

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The recent conjunction of the Moon, Venus and Mercury in the evening sky has been delighting our members, below are some contributions from those who imaged it.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]JimBurchell-Moon-and-Mercury-20200525_095543 Image by Jim Burchell The Moon and Mercury showing Earthshine. Taken Dartford top road. Pentax K70.[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]John-Howarth-Moon-Mercury-Venus-May24_2056UT Image by John Howarth Venus is at lower right on both photos, Mercury (faint, but visible) is about equidistant from Venus and the moon, practically level with the moon.[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]John-Howarth-Moon-Mercury-Venus-May24_2045UT Image by John Howarth Venus is at lower right on both photos, Mercury (faint, but visible) is about equidistant from Venus and the moon, practically level with the moon. Taken from the park.[/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]stephen-goldson-moonmercuryIMG_4569 Image by Stephen Goldson 'First time I've seen Mercury clearly'[/caption]


Conjunction of Mercury and Venus

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]MercuryandVenus-John-Howarth Image by John Howarth Image taken through glass in upstairs window. (Window will open but not in the right direction. Telephone wires are a nuisance too, just in wrong place..or perhaps Mercury's in the wrong place!)[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Image by Jim Burchell - no details provided[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Image by Jim Burchell Image of Venus and Mercury taken this evening (2020,05/19) at Barn End Lane Dartford[/caption]


Transit of Mercury, 11th November 2019

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Despite the poor weather our members were out in force observing the transit of Mercury across the face of the Sun, something that has to be done carefully to be safe.

There were 8 members and 4 visitors at the Observatory with a variety of 'scopes . Rita and Honor also had their PST's on hand. Other members observed at their homes or online.

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]TransitofMercury-MR White light photo by Mike Rushton taken 14:50 on 11/11/19. C8 with f/6.3 focal reducer on HEQ5 Pro. Full aperture glass solar filter Canon 60D at prime focus ISO 1600, Exp 1/400 sec.[/caption]

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label="JM Image" _builder_version="4.0.4" global_colors_info="{}"]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="741"]TransitofMercury-JM-2019-11-11 Image by Janice McClean[/caption]

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label="Image MC" _builder_version="4.0.4" global_colors_info="{}"]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="757"]TransitofMercury-MC2019-11-11-14-53 Image by Martin Crow 2019-11-11 14:53UT Ha Image[/caption]

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label="HW Image" _builder_version="4.0.4" global_colors_info="{}"]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="629"]20191111_ToM Image by Honor Wheeler in White Light[/caption]

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]ToMRichard Image of the Transit of Mercury 11/11/2019 by Richard Bohner[/caption]
