Conjunction of Mercury, Venus and the Moon.

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The recent conjunction of the Moon, Venus and Mercury in the evening sky has been delighting our members, below are some contributions from those who imaged it.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]JimBurchell-Moon-and-Mercury-20200525_095543 Image by Jim Burchell The Moon and Mercury showing Earthshine. Taken Dartford top road. Pentax K70.[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]John-Howarth-Moon-Mercury-Venus-May24_2056UT Image by John Howarth Venus is at lower right on both photos, Mercury (faint, but visible) is about equidistant from Venus and the moon, practically level with the moon.[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]John-Howarth-Moon-Mercury-Venus-May24_2045UT Image by John Howarth Venus is at lower right on both photos, Mercury (faint, but visible) is about equidistant from Venus and the moon, practically level with the moon. Taken from the park.[/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]stephen-goldson-moonmercuryIMG_4569 Image by Stephen Goldson 'First time I've seen Mercury clearly'[/caption]


Leigh Slomer’s Saturn Images

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Images of Saturn are from the same 2 minute long raw format video, but stacked and processed differently. The last version had a 1.5x drizzle applied to enlarge the size.

Equipment used:

•Skywatcher heq5 pro mount
•Skywatcher skymax 150 pro maksutov cassegrain telescope
•celestron 2× Barlow 
•Zwo asi290mc one shot colour uncooled CMOS camera

•Captured with ASICAP for android
•First and second version stacked in registax, the last version in autostakkert with wavelets in registax 
•Final processing in GIMP

Camera settings:

•Raw16 colour space 
•Gain 300
•Exposure time 82000ųs

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]LeighSlomerSaturn01 Image by Leigh Slomer processed in RegiStax[/caption]

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]LeighSlomerSaturn02 Image by Leigh Slomer processed in RegiStax[/caption]

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]LeighSlomerSaturn03autostakkert Image by Leigh Slomer processed in AutoStakkert[/caption]


Conjunction of Mercury and Venus

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]MercuryandVenus-John-Howarth Image by John Howarth Image taken through glass in upstairs window. (Window will open but not in the right direction. Telephone wires are a nuisance too, just in wrong place..or perhaps Mercury's in the wrong place!)[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Image by Jim Burchell - no details provided[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Image by Jim Burchell Image of Venus and Mercury taken this evening (2020,05/19) at Barn End Lane Dartford[/caption]


Conjunction of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Conjunction of the Moon Jupiter Sature and Mars Image taken by Jim Burchell, in the early hours of 2020/05/12 capturing a conjunction of Saturn Jupiter and the moon .possible Mars far left of the image..[/caption]
