When we think astronomy we generally think of optical astronomy, but the electromagnetic spectrum covers a much larger set of frequencies than just optical, at longer wavelengths, past infrared, electromagnetic waves are referred to as ‘radio’ and these pages are dedicated to the study of the universe at these wavelengths.

Radio astronomy is new (March 2011) to CMHAS, so our experience is also limited, these pages will try to explain how to observe at radio wavelengths, the approach is to start with easy low cost projects and working our way up to more advanced studies.

Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID)

Frequency: 20-25kHz (VLF)
Cost: zero to ~£200 depending on approach used
Area of Study: Solar activity
Difficulty: Easy
More Information: SID Set-up page

Meteor Observations

Frequency: 30-150MHz (VHF)
Cost: ~£200
Area of Study: Meteor shower profiling and peak detection, variation in sporadic meteors with time and date.
Difficulty: Easy – Medium
More Information: setting up a radio meteor detector

Radio Posts

2013 Perseid Report

What is astonishing about this image is that in 8 seconds Kevin has also captured the Milkyway which in his neck of the woods is washed out with light pollution. Simon Dawes left his automated radio meteor observations to do the work and checked up later in August...

2012 Perseid Report

Report by Simon Dawes On holiday in Austria, clouded out, however my automated radio meteor observations continued to run 24hrs per day while I was away, this year was more successful than last, primarily due to the Yagi now being mounted on a mast. Frequency 143.049...

2011 Draconids Report

Draconids The Draconids, also known as the Giacobinids, after the parent comet, are a variable meteor shower, the parent body being comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, occasionally the Earth passes through denser clumps of material from 21P/Giacobini-Zinner and these have...

2011 Perseid Report

This year was a challenging year for observing, the moon was full and most of the country was cloudy. Clouded out for visual observations Simon Dawes was on holiday on Guernsey but his automated radio meteor logging station in Bexleyheath, Kent, England, did observe...

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