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Comet Lemmon C/2023 H2 – Nov 2023

by WebMistress

Superb image of Comet Lemmon C/2023 H2 taken by member Richard Bohner on the 11th Nov 2023 from Arizona, USA. Richard used the following to acquire his image – Canon 5D Mk IV on a Celestron 8” SCT. Magnification about 100X. 60 seconds exp. At ISO 10K. The comet was discovered on April 23, 2023 […]

More ExoPlanet transits for the ExoClock Project – Nov 2023

by WebMistress

Five more transits done! TOI-3688 A b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a G-type star. Its mass is 0.98 Jupiters, it takes 3.2 days to complete one orbit of its star and is 0.0456 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2023. Exoplanet GPX-1 b is in the constellation of Perseus. […]

CMHASD Stargazing at Hall Place, Bexley – Wed 22nd Nov 2023

by WebMistress

On Wednesday 22nd November 2023, CMHASD were back at Hall Place & Gardens to hold a star gazing event from 7pm to 9pm.  We had brilliant support from our members who bought along a variety of telescopes, cameras, meteorites and other displays for our guests. CMHASD Chairman John Archer wrote ”Last week at Hall Place […]

Congratulations to Dave Grist & Steve Floodgate

by WebMistress

A huge congratulations to CMHASD members Dave Grist and Steve Floodgate for receiving the BAA Horace Dall medal & gift this year.  Chairman John Archer wrote ”For anyone who travelled up to the Institute of Physics last Saturday or tuned in via Zoom for the BAA meeting would have seen this year’s recipients of the […]

Autumn Equinox Star Party – Kelling Heath, Norfolk – Oct 2023

by WebMistress

Below is a brief summary of the latest trip by CMHASD members to Kelling Heath for the Autumn Equinox Star Party written by Simon Dawes. ”10 Members, 5 pitches, 2 tents, 2 caravans, 1 camper van and a lodge set the scene for a damp and windy long weekend. If you decided to go to […]

Sundogs & 22-degree Halo by Jim Burchell

by WebMistress

Fine examples of sundogs and part of a 22-degree halo captured by member Jim Buchell on the 25th September 2023 from Dartford. ”A sundog, also known as sun dog, mock sun or parhelion, consists of glowing spots around the sun. They are created by sunlight refracting off plate-shaped ice crystals in the cirrus clouds. Sundogs […]

ExoClock Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece 2023

by WebMistress

2023 October 21/22 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece  3rd ExoClock Annual Meeting  CMHASD trustees Martin Crow, Simon Dawes and Dr Mike Rushton attended the 3rd Annual Conference of ExoClock in Greece, a project to improve the ephemeris of exo-planet transits for the European Space Agencies, Aerial Mission, due to launch in 2029. During the conference […]

ExoPlanet transit of HAT-P-23b by Keith Rickard

by WebMistress

One more for the ExoClock project – this one being the first for CMHASD trustee and treasurer Keith Rickard.  It is of Exoplanet HAT-P-23b in the constellation Delphinus. ”HAT-P-23 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a G-type star. Its mass is 2.09 Jupiters, it takes 1.2 days to complete one orbit of its […]

Superb Sun Pillar imaged by John Archer

by WebMistress

Whilst travelling early morning on a train to London, CMHASD Chairman John Archer saw this fine example of a sun pillar on the 23rd October 2023.  ”Sun pillars and light pillars are beams of light that extend vertically upward (or downward) from a bright light source, such as the sun or another bright light low […]