On Sunday 4th August 2024 several CMHASD members went on a trip the South Downs Planetarium & Science Centre. Below is an account of the day kindly written by member Gary Hunt with photos taken by members.
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On Sunday 4th August 2024 several CMHASD members went on a trip the South Downs Planetarium & Science Centre. Below is an account of the day kindly written by member Gary Hunt with photos taken by members.
As Astronomers we observe weather conditions regularly and on the 1st August 2024 a stunning time-lapse video was taken by member Honor Wheeler of a Thunderhead. The video was taken from Dartford. A thunderhead is a cumulonimbus cloud seen during a thunderstorm. Towering cumulonimbus clouds, often called thunderclouds, are the only cloud formation capable of generating hail, thunder, and lightning. These dramatic, multi-layered cloud structures extend high into the sky, taking on an ominous, menacing appearance.
Honor used a Canon M6II on a tripod, Rokinon 12mm lens, at f/8, ISO400. A total of 300 photos with a 5 sec interval.
[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://crayfordmanorastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Storm_01082024HW.mp4"][/video]
For more information about thunderstorms see:
NEVER LOOK AT THE SUN DIRECTLY. Please click here for solar observing safely.
A fantastic photo of our Sun as it set taken by member Honor Wheeler from Weybourne Beach, Norfolk on the 20th June 2024. Massive sunspots can be seen at the 5 O'Clock position on the Sun. This image will also be found in the July edition of 'The Astronomer'. Well done Honor; it is indeed a super image.
Earlier in the day on the 20th Dr Mike Rushton took this great image of the Sun using his Dwarf II smartscope.
Below for comparison; is a screenshot of the Sun on the 20th June 2024 with the Sunspots numbered taken from Spaceweather.com
Then on the day after; on the 21st member Jim Burchell took this superb image of the Sun.
Martin Crow and Simon Dawes have been busy taking more measurements of Exoplanet transits for the ExoClock project. Below are some of their latest ones.
''TrES-2b (also known as Kepler-1b or GSC 03549-02811b) is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star GSC 03549-02811 located 750 light years away from the Solar System in Draco. The planet was identified in 2011 as the darkest known exoplanet, reflecting less than 1% of any light that hits it. Reflecting less light than charcoal, on the surface the planet is said to be pitch black. The planet's mass and radius indicate that it is a gas giant with a bulk composition similar to that of Jupiter. Unlike Jupiter, but similar to many planets detected around other stars, TrES-2b is located very close to its star and belongs to the class of planets known as hot Jupiters. This system was within the field of view of the Kepler spacecraft. It was discovered on August 21, 2006 by the Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey (TrES) by detecting the transit of the planet across its parent star using Sleuth (Palomar Observatory, California) and PSST (Lowell Observatory, Arizona), part of the TrES network of 10–cm telescopes. The discovery was confirmed by the W. M. Keck Observatory on September 8, 2006, by measuring the radial velocity of the star that hosts TrES-2b.'' Ref:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TrES-2b
HAT-P-37b is an exoplanet in the constellation Draco.
''HAT-P-37 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a G-type star. Its mass is 1.169 Jupiters, it takes 2.8 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0379 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2011.'' Ref:https://science.nasa.gov/exoplanet-catalog/hat-p-37-b/
''Qatar-4b is a super-jupiter orbiting the star Qatar-4 every 1.8 days in Andromeda. It was discovered in 2016 by the Qatar Exoplanet Survey (QES).
This planet has a very short orbit, with only 1.8 days for it to complete an orbit around Qatar-4. The period corresponds with a separation of around 0.03 AU, which is almost 20 times closer than Mercury is to the Sun. Despite that, it has a perfectly round orbit. Since the host is an active star, Qatar-4 may be destroyed by tidal waves from the star.'' Ref:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar-4b
''TrES-3b is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star GSC 03089-00929. It has an orbital period of just 31 hours and nearly twice the mass of Jupiter.
The planet TrES-3b is named Umbäässa. The name was selected in the NameExoWorlds campaign by Liechtenstein, during the 100th anniversary of the IAU. In the local dialect of southern Liechtenstein, Umbäässa is a small and barely visible ant.
NEVER LOOK AT THE SUN DIRECTLY. Please click here for solar observing safely.
A lovely selection of images from Society members.
First two superb images are of the Sun and Moon taken by Jim Burchell on the 28th.
Next are a selection of fantastic images of the Noctilucent Cloud that put in an appearance during the night of the 28th/29th June. It turned out to be quite a stunning display as you will see :-)
First set of images are from our Chairman John Archer whilst in Northumberland on the 28th June. The 1st 3 images show the NLC developing over the North Sea.
Taken at 10.46pm.
Taken at 10.55pm.
Taken at 11.04pm.
Taken at 11.20pm.
The next 2 images are from Diane Clarke taken from Belvedere. The 2nd image is absolutely stunning.
Taken at 10.53pm.
Taken at 11.15pm.
The next 2 superb images were taken by Honor Wheeler from Dartford.
Taken at 10.10pm.
Taken at 11.14pm.
This super image was taken by John Howarth from Bexley.
Taken at 11.10pm
This dramatic NLC image was taken by Bob Bryne from Dartford.
Taken at 11.27pm.
These lovely NLC images were taken by Sonia Rubie from Bexley.
Taken at 11.06pm.
Taken at 11.12pm.
These last 2 superb images were taken by Jim Burchell from Dartford just after midnight, so on the 29th June 2024 at 12.06am and 12.07am.
A super collection of images by members of a Waxing Crescent Moon and Mercury taken on the 7th July 2024. The Moon had an illumination of 3%, which is the percentage of the moon that is illuminated by the Sun and an age of 1.6 days old, which is how many days it has been since the last New Moon.
John Howarth - Bexley
Honor Wheeler - Dartford
Mercury is just above the 'M' on the label Mercury in the photo.
Jim Burchell - Dartford
Richard Bohner - Arizona, USA.
Image taken 6 hours after Honor and Jim's images in the UK. Notice how the Moon position has changed relative to Mercury.
A lovely selection of NLC images taken by Society members on the 7th & 14th of July 2024.
Honor Wheeler - Dartford.
A panoramic photo by Honor Wheeler comprising 5 individual images.
The bright star like object on the right hand side, middle is Jupiter, diagonally up, top and right is Mars and in-between at the top of the image you can just make out the Pleiades. Taken using a Canon Camera M6II on a tripod, ISO800, f/4.5, 1/2sec, 18-400mm lens set to 37mm. 02:18UTC
Jim Burchell - Dartford.
Bob Byrne - Dartford.
Sonia Rubie - Bexley.
Taken using an iPhone - point & shoot.
Jim Burchell - Dartford.
Honor Wheeler - Dartford.
This is 6 frame panoramic taken at 21:45UTC.
Taken using a Canon Camera M6II, Tamron 18-400mm lens, ISO800, f/4, 1/1sec. Each frame the lens was set to 27mm. Panoramic created in Bimostitch and processed in Snapseed.
Martin Crow - Burnham on Crouch, Essex.
Time Lapse video by Martin Crow
[video width="480" height="720" mp4="https://crayfordmanorastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/WhatsApp-Video-2024-07-15-at-12.04.54.mp4"][/video]
Sonia Rubie - Bexley.
Taken using an iPhone - point & shoot.
It is Noctilucent Cloud (NLC) season and members have been watching the sky to see if these elusive clouds put in an appearance - and I am pleased to report that they have. A few members have spotted them....
First this season was by Honor Wheeler whilst in Norfolk on the 17th June 2024.
[video width="848" height="478" mp4="https://crayfordmanorastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/WhatsApp-Video-2024-06-21-at-18.15.02.mp4"][/video]
Second was by Jim Burchell on the 18th June 2024 from Dartford.
Third was by Jim Burchell & Sonia Rubie on the 20th June 2024.
NLC spotted by Jim on the 20th June 2024 from Dartford.
NLC spotted by Sonia Rubie on the 20th June 2024 from Bexley.
And finally, fourth by Martin Crow on 23rd June 2024 from Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex.
The DIY Planetarium made by the Astronomy class at Crayford Manor House before 1961.
Standing (L-R): H P Wilkins & Len Wilcox (Principle of the Manor House Adult Education Centre)
Seated (L-R): Unknown, Bert Offord and John Wall
(L- R) Unknown, John Wall and Bert Offord
NEVER LOOK AT THE SUN DIRECTLY. Please click here for solar observing safely.
A lovely collection of white light images of the Sun taken by member Jim Burchell in May & June this year; showing several large sunspots. Jim took the images using a Pentax KP camera attached to a 102 mm Altair refactor fitted with a solar filter and then processed in Snapseed.