Dartford Grammar School Astronomy Club – Virtual Observing Session

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Our society currently supports the Dartford Grammar School Astronomy Club, and on the 25th January 2021 we held a virtual observing evening using Simon's observatory.

The students really enjoyed the evening

'The boys from last night have been on the google classroom leaving you rave reviews'  

'Last night blew their minds! They loved it.'

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Moon-2021-01-25-1926 Image by Simon Dawes & Dartford Grammar School Astronomical Society[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="384"]Mars-2021-01-25-1935. Image by Simon Dawes & Dartford Grammar School Astronomical Society[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="630"]M42-100s-integrationt Image by Simon Dawes & Dartford Grammar School Astronomical Society[/caption]


Lunar Halo/Corona Competition

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Lunar Halo Competition

As the name suggests, take an image of a Lunar Halo.


Whilst the points awarding is somewhat ambiguous I’ll be looking for the following…

  • Technically a good image (in focus)
  • Well composed 
  • Other points of interest (foreground or background)
  • A good story – if you have a story of how you took the image it can’t hurt!

Entry criteria:

  • You can only enter if you are a paid up member (any tier of membership)
  • Entries must be to webmaster@crayfordmanorastro.com – feel free to post them on what’s app as well!



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Images By Diane Clarke

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Lunar Corona DC Image By Diane Clarke. The two stars to the left of the Moon are Castor & Pollux in the constellation of Gemini Image details, Taken on 30.12.20 @ 21.48 Camera EOS 750D, Lens Sigma 18 -250 @18mm 1/2 Sec @ f3.5, Image as taken Static Tripod[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]MG_2585c Image by Diane Clarke This image shows the Moon and a 22° lunar halo, along with the stars of Gemini Aruga, Taurus & Orion Image details, Canon EOS 750D, Sigma 18 - 250mm lens @ 18mm 8 sec @ f5.6, ISO 800, 25.01.21 @ 20.48 hrs Static Tripod Image as shot[/caption]

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Images by Leigh Slomer

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Leigh Slomer Lunar Corona Image by Leigh Slomer Taken with a stock Canon EOS 200d and a Samyang 135mm lens. Exposure time was 1/5 of a second at ISO 400 at an f ratio of 2.8. Processed in GIMP.[/caption]

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label="Images by Jim Burchell" _builder_version="3.27.4" global_module="3222" saved_tabs="all"]

Images by Jim Burchell

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]20210125_214700 Image by Jim Burchel image taken on the Evening of 25/01/21. Image taken with a pentax K70. ISO 800/ F8 and 30 second exposure. Image showing some part of Orion Taurus and the Pleiades..[/caption]



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CMHASD Objectives:

  1. To improve Dartford Light Pollution for CMHASD observation at the Pavilion and geographically as far as possible, from x to y by date z as measured from the Pavilion using a calibrated Sky Quality Meter.
  2. To Link the Darkford event with the 60th Anniversary of CMHASD
  3. To make the community of Dartford (and beyond by association) aware of CMHASD and market our membership and outreach services:
  4. To increase the influence of CMHASD with local and national authorities to meet agreed objectives:
  5. To find and make allies with other organisations to achieve mutually agreeable objectives

Community Objectives:

  1. To identify and work with others (including Dartford Local Authority and the media) to designate a 'Darkford Night' that will (as far as possible) allow a general 'switch off' of external lighting for the citizens of Dartford to enjoy the night sky:
  2. To draw attention to the blight of light pollution and educate the community against unnecessary and anti-social use of external lighting:
  3. To promote dark-skies and 'stargazing' as a right for ALL citizens of Dartford (and beyond) and to show just what citizens are missing in the night sky:
  4. To increase interest in astronomy and 'stargazing' amongst children and adults alike:
  5. To urge thoughtful social-responsibility within business and industry to ensure that sensible use of nighttime lighting and avoidance of thoughtless and anti-social light polluting practice.....


The BAA Winchester Weekend comes to Crayford (hopefully)

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Correction: It’s not a weekend (just Saturday Afternoon) and it’s not at Crayford (it’s at the Pavilion Sutton-at-Hone).

The BAA are running a virtual ‘Winchester Weekend’ – and COVID Restrictions permitting (i.e. restrictions and social distancing in London and Kent have been lifted) – we intend to add a little of that Winchester magic (OK it’s food, drink and conversation) to the proceeding by streaming it at the Pavilion Sutton-at-Hone.

Price: (to cover costs only) £10 per person – on the door – cash only (the chip shop only takes cash)

(Fish & Chips is £7.80 at my local chippy, the rest is for cake, biscuits, milk, tea and coffee.)

Date: 10th April 2021 13:00

13:00 Registration: (Tea and cake)

14:00 BAA Winchester Agenda

15:00 Tea and biscuits & discussion about the lecture

15:15 BAA Winchester Agenda

16:30 Tea and Biscuits and discussion about the lecture, socialise.

18:00 Dinner (Fish and chips)

19:30 BAA Winchester Agenda

21:00 Tea and biscuits and discussion about the lecture

Observing (weather permitting)

At the moment I’m canvasing who might be interested, no commitment at this stage, just to see if it is worth taking further, closer to the event I’ll ask for confirmation and provide a menu.


This is a ticketed event, please contact the webmaster@crayfordmanorastro.com if you are interested in attending (no commitment at this stage)




Best Meteors of 2020

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Almost 2000 meteors were detected in 2020, we would have had quite a few more but for the cloudy skies in August that limited the view of the Perseid's in August.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]2020chart 2020 Meteor stats collated by Simon Dawes from data reviewd and analysed by the Crayford Meteor Team.[/caption]

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December 2020Meteor report

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December was particularly cloudy, but we still manage to detect 288 meteors, 115 from the Geminid meteor shower.


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