Dartford Steam Festival 2015

Dartford Annual Steam & Classic Vehicle Festival - Saturday 9th May 2015

What a great day! Once again, CHMASD were at the Dartford Annual Steam & Classic Vehicle Festival in commemoration of the life and work of Richard Trevithick, steam pioneer, inventor, engineer and one time resident of Dartford. It was a fun & very busy day for CMHASD members - with lots of people visiting our stand including the Mayor of Dartford Avtar Sanhu MBE.

Members Honor, Rita, Diane, Debra, Martin, Jim & Andy were kept particularly busy that day - as the Sun came out several times and provided the opportunity for members to do some Solar Observing with many members of the public to their delight & surprise. The public were shown how to observe the sun safely using the telescopes that were on display fitted with the required Sun filters. Many members of the public were unaware that you could use use a telescope to observe the Sun safely!!!!!!!!

Never view/look at the sun directly! - please see our Sun safety viewing guidelines.

The Sun was not the only object in the sky the public got to view that day - members Andy & Jim managed to find the planet Venus late afternoon and so quite a few members of the public were able to view Venus too through Jim's telescope - to their astonishmentt!

Below are a selection of photos of that brilliant day - Thank you to Jim, Martin & Diane for taking the photos.

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