Our Sun by Honor Wheeler

NEVER LOOK AT THE SUN DIRECTLY. Please click here for solar observing safely.

Three superb images of our active Sun by Honor Wheeler taken on the 27th October 2024 and 11th August 2024 from Dartford.  All 3 images consist of a Solar H-alpha image and a White light image overlaid.  The 2 images on the 27th are the same; the 1st has just been processed in colour.

27th October 2024

27.10.2024 White light settings:
Canon  M6II , ISO200, exp 1/2500sec
Skywatcher ED80 Refractor with Baader White light filter & 2x Barlow.
EQ3 Synscan mount.
H-alpha prominence settings:
Canon M6II & 2x Barlow,  ISO200, 1sec
Coronado PST


11th August 2024

11.08.2024 White light settings:
Canon M6II, ISO200, 1/2500sec
Skywatcher ED80 Refractor with Baader White light filter & 2x Barlow.
EQ3 Synscan mount.
H-alpha prominence settings:
Canon M6II & 2x Barlow,  ISO200, 1/1sec
Coronado PST

Sun spots! 2020-12-27

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Images by Honor Wheeler

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]20201227_1148UT_HW Image by Honor Wheeler Skywatcher ED80 refractor, Canon M6 Mark2 camera. EQ3 synscan mount. For the full disc I used a x2 Barlow and the close up x5 Barlow. Processed using PIPP, AS!3 & PShop elements6. I could have done better but didn't have clear skies really for long enough and at the moment the sun is so darn low! Anyway happy to get these.

[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="640"]20201227_1127UT_HW Image by Honor Wheeler Skywatcher ED80 refractor, Canon M6 Mark2 camera. EQ3 synscan mount. For the full disc I used a x2 Barlow and the close up x5 Barlow. Processed using PIPP, AS!3 & PShop elements6. I could have done better but didn't have clear skies really for long enough and at the moment the sun is so darn low! Anyway happy to get these.[/caption]
