Meteor Observations 2018 October

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October saw us identifying 308 meteors from 32 different showers, the October Draconids and the Orionids being the most interesting.

The brightest meteor was -3.7 vMag

October Draconids Report

21 October Draconids were identified in the charts below you can see they are a very narrow peak, suggesting a narrow stream of dust the Earth is passing through. The average magnitude was 1.2018OctDraconids

Ground map of the Draconids showing the meteors that were triangulated with the Nemetode group, our observations are the ones detected by the 'Dartford' Observatory


Orionid Report

We identified 53 Orionids, peaking on the 21st October and an average magnitude of 1


Below is a 15 minute video of all 308 meteors verified in October.

Ground map of the Orionids showing the meteors that were triangulated with the Nemetode group, our observations are the ones detected by the 'Dartford' Observatory.



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