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1st November 2018
Chair: John Archer
Attendees: Mike Rushton (MR), Keith Rickard (KR), Martin Crow (MC), Rita Whiting (RW), John Archer (JA), John Howarth (JH), Andy Barber (AB)
Apologies: Simon Dawes (SD)
Minutes: 2017 minutes read by JA and Signed by JA
Matters Arising: None
Chairman's report:
JA's first year as Society Chairman.
Summary of report & highlights provided to members as a PPT
Report (in Word) not reproduced here, but will be circulated to Committee for review / amendment then provided via website to members and forwarded to the PC.
Thanks extended to Trustees, Committee Members, Project contributors and members for supporting the Society at events, meetings and project work throughout the year.
Membership was at 66 members in total
Results of member survey were presented in part, then deferred to a later date due to Internet connectivity issue mid-way through.
Treasurers Report:
Keith presented the Treasurer’s Report covering the period to 31/8/2018
Accounts were awaiting examination– funds healthy, with contingency in place.
Gift Aid had allowed another £1k (approx.) to be recovered from membership dues.
Election of Trustees as per Constitution:
Retiring Trustees this year, Mike Rushton and John Archer, put themselves up for re-election.
Vote by show of hands: Mike and John re-elected.
AGM closed at 20:33UT