Spectra Night

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Spectra Night - Thursday 13th August 2015

Below are a selection of fun photos from Honor Wheeler, Mike Rushton & Martin Crow of the evening member Debra Holton gave a talk about 'Spectra'.

Honor has also provided a great summary of evening too - Thank you Honor.

''As part of our Beginner primer talks given by members, our week 11 Informal meeting became a Spectra Spectacular! Member Debra Holton introduced us to the universe in light, the Electromagnetic Spectrum, the Doppler shift relating to redshift and blue shift and the distances & velocities of Stars and Galaxies.

The evening began with the members becoming acquainted with a number of interesting implements such as Diffraction gratings & glasses along with professional and homemade Spectroscopes.

Debra began with a simple introduction to the wavelengths of light from the Radio to Gamma rays and our very own rainbow of colours from our Sun, the visible spectrum. She then went on to describe how we see the elements that surround us, that atoms absorb and emit photons and in doing so how we can observe the emissions or absorption lines to learn what the distant Stars and Galaxies are made of.

After a little refresher on the spectra of stars and the Doppler shift using online resources, we progressed to a little more down to earth investigation.

Following on from a rather energetic display of the Doppler shift utilizing a hairdryer (you had to be there!) we moved on to the spectra of different light sources.

Thanks also go to member Gordon Collings, who many years ago rescued old laboratory spectroscopes, light boxes and lamps, as we had the opportunity to observe the spectra of a Mercury light & Sodium light and to bathe in the rather eerie light of a Sodium lamp.

Thank you to Debra for a fun and educational evening and to Gordon for his Light entertainment (Sorry couldn't resist!)''


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SpectroscopyAug2015Attachment-1 (5)

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SpectroscopyAug2015Attachment-1 (4) Large

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SpectroscopyAug2015Attachment-1 (2)

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SpectroscopyAug2015Attachment-1 (3) Large

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SpectroscopyAug2015SodiumAttachment-1 (1)

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Spectra of Comet C/2007 N3 Lulin

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Note the spectra from the comet’s tail is different from the coma.

The tail emitting prominently in the blue/green end of the spectrum.


Spectra of the Great Orion Nebula M42

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Imaging nebulae, like the Orion Nebula, shows why H alpha and OIII filters can really help in our light polluted skies.

DSLR Single Frame, 30s Exposure, limiting naked eye magnitude vMag = 4 By Simon Dawes

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Spectroscopy of bright Stars

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First light for Simon and Martin using their spectroscopes on bright stars 

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First Light for Simon!

My first attempt, the stars are not as well focused as I would like and I think the very short exposures (0.1s) have resulted in capturing the scintillation of the stars being observed resulting in wider lines than I think are possible with my set-up.

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First Light for Martin!

Martin's first attempt at spectroscopy on bright Stars


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