We make every effort to keep the programme up-to-date and accurate.  However changes can happen at short notice and updates rely on the kind donation of time by Society members.  If you see an error please let us know.

Basic members are welcome to attend lectures but will be charged a small fee.

M 44 The Beehive Cluster
Feb 20 @ 5:00 pm – 11:45 pm

Throughout the early evening into the night of Thursday the 20th of February

above the E – SE -S horizon

M44 The beehive Cluster will be visible from approx 18.00 hrs to 00.00 hrs

if you plan to observe / image this event remember to dress for the conditions

Mars is Stationary
Feb 24 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

During the morning of Monday the 24th of February

at approx 10.00 hrs the planet Mars will be stationary

at which point Mars will go form a retrograde orbit to a prograde orbit

A 1% Waxing Crescent Moon
Feb 28 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

After sunset on Friday the 28th of February @ 17.38 hrs low along the  SW – W horizon

a 1% illuminated waxing crescent Moon will be visible until it sets at approx 18.28 hrs

if you plan to observe / image this event remember to dress for the conditions