June’s Full Moon is also known as the Strawberry Moon after the wild strawberries that start to ripen during early summer. On Tuesday evening 14/06/22 member Jim Burchell took these lovely photos of the Strawberry Moon rising from Dartford top road. The Full/Strawberry Moon was near its closest approach to Earth on that day too, so making it a Supermoon as well. Therefore this Full Moon was a Super Strawberry Moon!
Image 1 Moon just appearing above the horizon.
135mm F9.00 5 sec iso 200
Image 2 Moon halfway above the horizon this image has been under exposed to bring out more detail and colour.
135 mm F9.0 1.5 sec iso 200
Image 3 Moon above the horizon image under exposed.
135mm F7.1 1/30 sec iso 400.