Kelling Heath Spring Star Party 2015
Six members of CMHASD attended the Kelling Heath Spring star party this year and a jolly good time was had by all.
Highlights and funny moments of the trip include; a banjo, a snake, a rubber egg (you will have to ask the members about this), decorating thermos cups with glow in the dark stars and any other object which members felt 'needed' a few stars stuck on it to see it in the dark ;-). Visiting Red & Ginger the two red squirrels who live at Kelling Heath and the members being told AGAIN they were making too much noise which I think the late Dick Chambers would have been proud of :-)
Unfortunately no observing involving imaging was done as the weather let members down by the time it got dark on all nights and so members watched films & had a good time relaxing in their tent instead. Members did however manage one night to quickly view a few of the Messier objects on member Keith Rickard's 10'' Dobsonian which pleased them.
During the days however, it was fine with plenty of sunshine but it was quite windy which meant doing any solar imaging during the day was going to be a struggle - so visual solar observing was done, viewing the several sunspots on the Sun. Members were lucky though, as they did get to view an absolutely stunning prominence, that wrapped itself around the edge of the Sun on Martin's set up - just a shame it was far too windy for him to image it.
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