CMHAS at Danson Park, Bexleyheath 2009
This was a great event with thousands of people in attendance. We met lots of people with telescopes who didn’t know how to use them and people with an interest in Astronomy but unaware of the Astronomy courses Bexley college had.
The display consisted of 7 telescopes, including…
• Two PST’s |
The Stand included......
• 8 panels of observations by Crayford members
• Lots of 6x4 images by Crayford Members in a hanging display
• Handouts on starting in Astronomy
• Handouts about the advanced astronomy course
• BAA handouts
• Posters about the college and the Astronomy courses
• A few commercially available posters and posters on the international year of astronomy
Below are 2 photos taken by member Honor Wheeler - Thank you Honor. The 1st of a Circumzenithal Arc and the 2nd is of a Solar Halo.
A slideshow then follows of photos taken by member Jim Burchell of the day - Thank you Jim.
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