Solar Eclipse, 2003 May 31st, Iceland

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The eclipse site was a few miles north of Dalvik on the west coast of Eyjafjordur in the North of Iceland. All pictures were taken by Brian Felles.

Maximum Duration 3m 37s
Type Annular

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Solar Eclipse 2002 December 4th , Australia

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Member Jean Felles travelled with her husband, Brian to Australia to view this Eclipse.

The eclipse site was situated at KOOLYMILKA, North West of Woomera, South Australia.

Position: 30º 57.443'S and 136º 31.464'E.

Local time = UT +10½ hours

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Photos taken with 500mm mirror lens plus 1.4x converter = 700mm at approximately F12 on 400 ASA Fujichrome film.


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