Cosmic Camp 2021

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Eight society members attended Shear Green Junior School on Friday 17th with either their own or society telescopes (6 in total) to take part in their 'Cosmic Camp'.

We observed the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn and put on two different Astronomy activities in the school hall related to the solar system. seventy five, nine to ten year-old boys and girls and about 20 adults enjoyed the activities. With lots of 'wow's' 'OMG' etc. Whilst the skies were a little cloudy, the cloud stayed away from the planets and Moon and the seeing was remarkably good. 

We didn't take photos - too many safeguarding issues - but the school blog has a section on it with a few photos that they took.

"I just wanted to send an email to say a massive thank you for Friday night!
The children (and adults) got so much out of what you all provided. The awe and wonder of seeing Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon really brought the topic to life for the children.
Your team were so patient and knowledgeable providing invaluable insight to us all. The indoor activities were really engaging and all of the children have said their favourite part of the camp was the star gazing!"

Thanks to all members who helped make this a success.


Solar Images By Leigh Slomer

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="651"]The Sun in H-Alpha 1st attempt with ZWO ASI174MM Taken on the 8th of June with a Daystar Solar Scout SS60-DS and a ZWO ASI174MM camera. My 1st proper attempt at imaging the sun in H-Alpha.

[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]20210720_111540 Taken on the 16th of July with a Daystar Solar Scout SS60-DS and a ZWO ASI174MM camera.[/caption]

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Crescent Moon, Venus and a Sun Pillar – Wow!

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Image of the crescent Moon, and Venus with a Sunset and sun pillar - well spotted and recorded by Jim.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Conjunction - Moon, Venus, Sun Pillar Sun Set JB Image by Jim Burchell Image of Crescent Moon and Venus and Sunpillar taken on 13/6/21 Olympus E-M10 Mark ll.[/caption]



International Space Station Images by Leigh Slomer

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Images by Leigh Slomer

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]18072021-B-Enlarged-x4-Enhanced The International Space Station. Taken on the 17th of July with a Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian Telescope and a ZWO ASI174MM[/caption]

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]18072021-A-Enlarged-x4-Enhanced The International Space Station. Taken on the 17th of July with a Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian Telescope and a ZWO ASI174MM[/caption]

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Partial Solar Eclipse 2021-06-10

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Images by Leigh Slomer

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Solar Eclipse 10,06,21 Version C Partial Solar eclipse. Taken on the 10th of June with a Daystar Solar Scout SS60-DS and a ZWO ASI174MM.

[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Solar Eclipse 10,06,21 Partial Solar eclipse. Taken on the 10th of June with a Daystar Solar Scout SS60-DS and a ZWO ASI174MM.[/caption]


Hyades, Pleiades and the Moon

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Pleiades,Hyades,Moon.DianeClarke This image shows, Aldebaran also known as "the eye of Taurus" to the far left of the 12% lit waxing crescent Moon with the Hyades to the lower left, and M45 also known as The Pleiades/ Seven Sisters in the lower right of the image, Fortunately I had a reasonably clear sky with some cloud, as well as a vantage point that enabled me to see the Pleiades as they are currently quite low in the WNW part of the sky, I was also able to capture some earthshine. Canon 750D, ISO 800, f5.6, @ 2 sec Sigma 18 - 250mm lens @ 75mm Static tripod Taken at 22.30Hrs 15.04.21 Jpeg from RAW file Diane Clarke Belvedere[/caption]



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Images by Leigh Slomer

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]LSOrion-20210402_140226 Image by Leigh Slomer - no details provided[/caption]


The Jellyfish Nebula, IC443

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IC443, commonly known as the Jellyfish Nebula, is a Supernova remnant, from Crayford skies is really only visible if imaging using narrowband filters.


Ha filters work the best but it will also show up in SII filters, it is invisible in an OIII filter.

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Images by Neil Webster

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]D-IC443-Jellyfish-Nebula-Feb-2021 Image by Neil Webster No details provided[/caption]

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Images by Leigh Slomer

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="603"]LS-IC443-20210402_141336 Image by Leigh Slomer - no details provided[/caption]

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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="584"]20210228_123255 Image by Leigh Slomer - no details provided[/caption]


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