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As part of our public outreach, a few of us represented the Society at a "Fun Palace" event at Bexleyheath Library on Saturday. These relatively low-key events are intended to showcase small, local interest groups such as arts & crafts, therapies, lizard / snake keeping and in our case, all things Astronomy!
We had a prominent and large display which meant good foot-fall and a lot of interest from the public. Former members from the 1960's and 1970's came by to say hello - these gents were quite elderly as you can appreciate but knew Dick Chambers, Dr Wilkins and John Wall.
Our telescope Olivia drew in visitors as did the planet game. It was encouraging to watch young children complete the planet game with little or no help. (Ask us about the 5-year-old and 3-year-olds completing it!)
We had Saturn sketched by one of the youngsters and also imaged a planet mounted at the far end of the Fiction section!
All in all, a very positive event - we received feedback from the Library team to say that we were a hit with their customers. Likely we will pick up some future visitors or even members, so watch this space.
I want to thank the team who helped on the day - Steve, Terry, Andy and Rita - really appreciate you giving up your time. We presented the Society in a very positive light.
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